No, I don't have school aged children, but I watch 2 children whose mothers work in schools. So, we measure our years from August-July instead of January-December! This year I have my Audrey (3.5), my Walker (1.5), boy #1 (almost 2), and boy #2 (1.5). Four little ones 3 and under. Oh, and 3 of them are boys. I could just stop my list here with the reasons I've been overwhelmed! :) (honestly...the babies I keep are very sweet and have become part of our family....it's just very little "me" time!.. ok NO me time....but I digress...)
2. I've started a real homeschooling curriculum with Audrey. Right now, I'm still on the fence about whether or not we will homeschool. I do know that while I have her home with me, I want her to learn as much as possible so that if/when she goes to public school, she will knock their socks off! :)
3. We've been sick.
Walker had a random fever last Sunday that turned into an upper respiratory infection, which then passed to Audrey...and then Ben...and then me...and then the other baby I keep. It's been rough folks.
4. Cleaning/organizing. With so many kids in here, organization is crucial. I have 3 different sets of diapers. 3 different napping areas. 3 different boosters/highchairs. Countless amounts of sippy cups. I HAVE to have things in order, or my day is even more chaotic than normal. And that's bad. I've been doing my best to get up early and get things in order for the day, and then keep up with them as we go. It's a learning process, people.
5. Weight loss. Some of you may know one of the wonderful things about breastfeeding is that you burn a ton of calories everyday just by feeding your baby. Both of my babies were great eaters, and I never had trouble getting rid of the "baby" weight. However, Walker stopped nursing almost 2 months ago, and man oh man, my body is really feeling the extra calories no longer being burned!!! I think I have gained about 10lbs in the last 2-3 months. I hate it. It makes me grumpy. So....it's back to the treadmill I go.
6. This is probably the biggest reason for the thoughts spinning in my head. My sister and I have started a sewing business. I am SO excited. And SO overwhelmed!!!! This is something I have been thinking about for a long long time, and I've finally pulled the trigger!!! I have SO many ideas and dreams for this business, but considering I watch 4 children during the day, there's not a whole lot of extra time to get those ideas done. So, I've been staying up late and working my little fingers to the bone. We are working on getting a website up and running, and I do hope you'll all venture over there to check out our stuff!! The business is called Southern-Sewn, and we make boutique style children's clothing, burp cloths, bibs, appliquéd items, aprons, tea towels, and more!! We are just getting things started...so look for more info on this to come!!
I'll do my best to update again soon!
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